Specifications :
• Spontaneous breathing strategy. Spontaneous breathing reduces the risk of atelectasis and improves the ventilation/perfusion ratio by maintaining a higher functional residual capacity.
• The right mode for every patient. The wide range of patients covered also reduces the amount of staff training required and ensures a greater flexibility in the use of resources.
• Two-in-one ventilation. Mask ventilation can assist the weaning process by reducing the reintubation rate or even preventing intubation in the first place.
• Everything in view. The high-resolution full-color screen displays comprehensive information on a patient's status, always showing two ventilation curves and six monitored values, and the screen configuration can be customized to show the most important values for a particular ICU.
• One knob, simplified settings. The rotary knob plays a key role. The active setting parameters are visible at a glance and changes can be made by the well-established "select-adjustconfirm" principle.
• Ventilation at a glance. The principle of only showing the necessary parameters reduces the complexity of everyday monitoring.
• Simpler and speedier standard procedures. Contains numerous functions to speed up and simplify routine procedures. Start-up settings can be configured to specific ICU practices.
Ventilation Settings :
• Ventilation mode: IPPV, IPPVAssist (CMV, CMVAssist) SIMV, SIMVASB (SIMV, SIMV/Psupp) MMV, MMVASB (MMV, MMV/Psupp) BIPAP1), BIPAP1)ASB, BIPAP1)Assist (PCV+, PCV+/Psupp, PCV+Assist) CPAP, CPAPASB (CPAP, CPAP/Psupp) APRV (optional) ILV (optional)
• Enhancements: AutoFlow™ – Automatic adaptation of inspiratory flow in volume controlled modes ATC™ – Automatic Tube Compensation (optional) IV - Mask Ventilation (optional)
• Ventilation frequency (f): 0 to 100 /min, 0 to150 /min (Neonatal)
• Inspiration time (Tinsp): 0.1 to 10 s
• Tidal volume (VT) (BTPS): 0.1 to 2.0 L (Adult) 0.02 to 0.3 L (Pediatric) 0.003 to 0.1 L (Neonatal)
• Inspiratory flow: 6 to 120 L/min (Adult) 6 to 30 L/min (Pediatric and Neonatal)
• Inspiratory pressure: 0 to 80 mbar (cmH2O) PEEP / intermittent PEEP: 0 to 35 mbar (cmH2O)
• Pressureassist (PASB) (Psupp): 0 to 80 mbar (cmH2O)
• Rise time for inspiratory pressure: 0 to 2 s
• O2 concentration: 21 to 100 Vol.%
• Multi-sense Trigger Criteria: Internal automatic pressure trigger, Flow, Volume (Flow adjustable 0.3 to 15 L/min)